Here's how we'll bring all the details together perfectly to get your desired result.
It's time to start sharing your images with the world! Your fully edited images will be ready for you within two weeks of your final selections.
Within one week of your session your images will be ready for you with a simple edit in a private online gallery. You'll choose your favorites based on how many come with your session and once you've made your selection I'll get to work on the final edits.
With all of the prep we've done you're going to show up confident and ready to rock your session! It will be fun and relaxed and I'll be guiding you the entire time.
For brand sessions this phase starts with a questionnaire that will help me get to know you and your business even more. This will allow me come to the consult with ideas and a plan in mind. At least two weeks prior to your session date, we'll hop on a Zoom call to plan out your entire session from outfits to location to all the must-have shots.
Headshot sessions will be preceded by a short phone or video chat when I will give you guidance on how to prepare for your session.
As soon as you're ready to move forward an initial payment and signed contract reserves your session date on my calendar. Easy-peasy, you're on your way to connecting with those dream clients!
We'll start with a super-chill, no-obligation chat on the phone (or Zoom call if you'd like) so I can answer all of your questions and help you determine if I'm the right photographer for you. I'll learn a bit about your biz and recommend which session would best meet your needs.
So you have a whole gallery full of amazing, on-brand what? During this hour-long consultation with me I'll guide you on how to make the best use of your new images.
We'll discuss your brand strategies and I'll give you ideas on how you can create content to go along with your images that will connect you with your dream clients. There are a number of other topics we can cover and we'll figure out what will serve you best through a questionnaire prior to our consult.
(Included w/ your Brand Ignite or Brand Refresh Session. May be purchased as an add on to your Brand Into Session.)